Future Currency Trading in Dubai

Future Currencies

A currency future is a contract to exchange one currency for another at a specified date in the future at a price (exchange rate) that is fixed on the purchase date. An investor sells a certain currency with relatively low interest rate and uses the funds to purchase a different currency yielding a higher interest rate. Alfa offers Futures trading in Australian dollar, British pound, euro and more.

Product Symbol Contract Unit Contract Size Instrument Type Initial Margin Tick Size Contract Month
Australian Dollar AD Australian Dollar 100000 Futures - Currency 1000 0.0001 Mar,Jun,Sep,Dec
British Pound BP British Pound 62500 Futures - Currency 1000 0.0001 Mar,Jun,Sep,Dec
Euro EC Euro 125000 Futures - Currency 2000 0.0001 Mar,Jun,Sep,Dec
Swiss Franc SF Swiss Franc 125000 Futures - Currency 2000 0.0001 Mar,Jun,Sep,Dec
Japanees Yen JY Yen 12500000 Futures - Currency 1000 0.0001 Mar,Jun,Sep,Dec
Newzeland Dollar NZ Newzeland Dollar 100000 Futures - Currency 1000 0.0001 Mar,Jun,Sep,Dec
Canedian Dollar CD Canedian Dollar 100000 Futures - Currency 1000 0.0001 Mar,Jun,Sep,Dec
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