Alfa Financial

How to download and install AX1 trader on your PC

The following steps are to help you to set up the AX1 Trader Software on your machine. From the Download Center available on the website download the respective platform.

  1. Double-click on the downloaded setup file to open it.

  2. After the user double-clicks on the downloaded setup file, the following Window will open up showing the setup progress as it prepares to install the software:


    Please wait as the window prepares to install the Software.

  3. After the preparation progress is completed, the following Installation Setup Window will pop up:


    Now, click on 'Next' to proceed further and allow the setup to complete the installation process.

  4. Once you finish the installation of AX1 Trader, launch the application.

AX1 Trading contacts server on application installation and for start-up validation. If you have any Firewall or Spyware enabled, then before launching the application make sure that AX1 Trader has the required permission to access the Internet. Otherwise the application might throw an error.
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Download and Install AX1 trader | Alfa Financial